2018年1月31日(水) 埼玉大学木曜セミナー
16:00 -- 17:00 場所:数学研究室1(理工学研究科棟5階)
On transversality lemmas
トムの横断性定理などの横断性に関する諸結果は, 安定写像やジェネリックな写像の研究等, いわゆる大域的特異点論の研究には不可欠な道具であるといえる. 様々な状況における横断性定理を導く際の基本的な道具として 「the fundamental transversality lemma」とよばれる古くから知られた重要な補題があるが, John N. Matherは, その補題の仮定を大幅に緩めた結果を導いた. そして, 講演者はそのMatherの結果の仮定を更に緩め, その仮定と結論が必要十分になるところまで拡張を行った. 本講演では, これらの結果をご紹介する.
Mon 25 Sep 2017 - Fri 29 Sep 2017
the 7th Japanese-Australian Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities, to be held in Sydney
at the University of Sydney, ABS Seminar Room 3003.
First Announcement of JARCS VII,
Dear Colleagues,
This is the first announcement of the 7th Japanese-Australian Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities, to be held in Sydney Mon 25 Sep 2017 - Fri 29 Sep 2017, at the University of Sydney, ABS Seminar Room 3003. Early next year we will set up our web page and ask for expressions of interest. We welcome your participation to our workshop and if you know anyone interested please let them know. In the meantime have a Happy and Prosperous New Year!
Sun 10 Sep 2017 - Sat 16 Seo 2017
Geometric and Algebraic Singularity Theory
The Mathematical Research and Conference Center Bedlewo, Poland
Organiser: Wojciech Domitrz, Toru Ohmoto, Takahiro Yamamoto, Masatomo Takahashi, Ewa Strozyna, Zaneta Trebska, Mariusz Zajac, Michal Zwierzynski
2017年6月8日 埼玉大学木曜セミナー
13:30-14:30: Ricardo Uribe-Vargas, Université de Bourgogne
Support function, big front singularities and duality.
  Abstract: The so-called "support function" of a given closed convex plane curve enables to describe the equidistant curves and their singularities. We show that the graph of the support function contains all local and global geometric information of the initial curve, of its equidistants and of its evolute (caustic). To any plane curve (without convexity restrictions) corresponds a curve on the unit cylinder (the graph of a "multivalued support function") and vice-versa. We define the "support map", which sends any plane curve to a curve on the unit cylinder and establish the correspondence between Euclidean differential geometry of plane curves and projective differential geometry of curves on the unit cylinder.
We geometrically construct the natural isomorphism between the front (in space-time) formed by the union of equidistants of a plane curve and the dual surface of its corresponding curve on the cylinder (the subvariety formed by the planes of $R^3$ which are tangent to this space curve). Our results hold in Euclidean spaces of higher dimensions for submanifolds of any dimension.
A corollary of our construction is the following:
Theorem. For any class of singularities $X$ (for example, $A, D, E$) the set of singularities of type $X$ of the evolute of a smooth submanifold $M$ of $R^n$ is isomorphic to the set of singularities of type $X$ in the front formed by the hyperplanes of $R^{n+1}$ which are tangent to the image of $M$ by the support map (in the unit cylinder $C_n\subset R^{n+1}$) by the support map.
微分幾何学と特異点論の応用 (世話人 高橋雅朋, 長谷川大)
2017年1月12日(木) 埼玉大学木曜セミナー
15:00--16:00 神戸祐太 (埼玉大学M2)
Construction of the moduli space of reduced Gr¨obner bases
  アブストラクト k を係数環としてもつ多項式環において固定された先頭項集合をもつ被約 Gr¨obner 基底のモジュライ空間が点のヒルベルトスキームの局所閉スキー ムとして構成された. 今回はその一般化として解が有限個でない場合にも 固定された先頭項集合をもつ被約 Gr¨obner 基底のクラスを適切に制限し たモジュライ空間を構成する. また, そのモジュライ空間が原点で非特異 であることがアフィン空間になることと同値であることや, 閉部分スキー ムとして先頭項集合を固定した “斉次” 被約 Gr¨obner 基底のモジュライ空 間が構成できること, および具体的な計算例を紹介する.
[Led11] Mathias Lederer, Gr¨obner strata in the Hilbert scheme of points, J.Commut. Algebra 3 (2011), no. 3, 349-404.
[Rob09] L. Robbiano, On border basis and Gr¨obner basis schemes, Collect. Math. 60 (2009), no. 1, 11-25. MR MR2490747
16:00--16:20  Tea and coffee
16:20--17:20   Jean-Baptiste Campesato (Saitama University, JSPS post doc fellow),
Motivic integration and real singularities
2016年11月24日(木) 埼玉大学木曜セミナー
14:30-15:30: Jean-Baptiste Campesato (Saitama University, JSPS Post doc fellow)
On a motivic invariant of the arc-analytic equivalence
  Abstract: The first part of this talk is devoted to the arc-analytic equivalence which is an equivalence relation on Nash function germs (i.e. real analytic function germs which are semialgebraic).
Next, to a Nash function germ we associate a motivic zeta function whose construction is analog to the one of Denef--Loeser. This is a formal power series with coefficients in a Grothendieck ring of $\mathcal{AS}$-sets up to $\mathbb{R}^*$-equivariant $\mathcal{AS}$-bijections over $\mathbb{R}^*$, a real analog of the Grothendieck ring of G. Guibert, F. Loeser and M. Merle. This zeta function is an invariant of the arc-analytic equivalence.
This zeta function generalizes the previous construction of G. Fichou. Its extra structure allows us to get a convolution formula from which we derive a partial classification of Brieskorn polynomials by showing that the arc-analytic type of a Brieskorn polynomial determines its exponents.
場所:青山学院大学 相模原キャンパス D棟
2016年4月21日(木) 埼玉大学木曜セミナー
16:20-17:20: Carles Bivia Ausina (Universitat Politecnica de Valencia)
Log-canonical threshold, diagonal ideals and mixed multiplicities
 : Abstract: We characterize the ideals $I$ of finite colength of the ring $\mathcal O_n$ of complex analytic functions germs $(\mathbb C^n,0)\to \mathbb C$ whose integral closure is equal to the integral closure of an ideal generated by pure monomials. The computation of the integral closure of a given ideal is an important problem both in commutative algebra and singularity theory. The mentioned characterization, which is motivated by an inequality proven by Demailly and Pham, is given in terms of the log canonical threshold of $I$ and the sequence of mixed multiplicities of $I$. Motivated by a result of Hickel, we relate this topic with the question of characterizing the ideals of $\mathcal O_n$ whose multiplicity is equal to the product of their mixed \L ojasiewicz exponents and derive some consequences of our study to singularities of function germs.
before we have the following
13:00-15:00: Informal seminar on tropical geometry (by Cristina Valle)
15:00-16:00: Duality, Eisenbud-Levine's theorem and Gorenstein property (by Keita Suyama, Saitama University)
We have the seminar dinner after.
Encounter with Mathematics 第66回 幾何学と特異点の出会い
Encounter with Mathematics 第64回 複素解析と特異点 -留数が解き明かす特異点の魅力-
第六回日豪実・複素特異点研究集会(The sixth Australian-Japanese Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities)
 13:00--17:30 埼玉大学大学院理工学研究科棟5階数学研究室1にて
韓 呼和 Hu He Han 氏(横浜国大)
The spherical dual transform is an isometry for spherical Wulff shapes ------- joint work with Takashi NISHIMURA
 16:20頃より 埼玉大学大学院理学部1号館3階基礎数理演習室にて
  加葉田雄太朗氏 (北海道大学)
  Speaker: 安藤加奈 氏 (千葉大学)
  Title; Multi-point connection problem
 : Abstract: We consider single differential equations on the complex projective line which have one regular singular point and one irregular singular point. For any sector, any fundamental set of solutions near the regular singular point, and any fundamental set of solutions near the irregular singular point on the sector, there is a linear transformation relating the two fundamental sets of solutions. The problem of finding the coefficients of this linear transformation is called the connection problem. By composing these linear transformations, we can analyze the Stokes phenomenon. We construct a family of functions whose asymptotic expansions match those of a fundamental solution at a regular singular point. These functions are particular solutions of first order nonhomogeneous differential equations that can be derived from the fundamental solutions at the regular singular point and formal solutions at the irregular singular point of the original differential equation. We call these functions the fundamental functions associated with this two point connection problem. The series expansions of the associated fundamental functions are described by systems of difference equations, and the coefficients relating them to the fundamental solutions can be found by a recursive process. This yields a method for calculating the linear relation between the two fundamental sets of solutions. In this talk, we introduce the Okubo-Kohno method to solve the two point connection problem for linear ordinary differential equations with an irregular singularity of rank one by analyzing the associated fundamental functions. We will also apply this method to the connection problem with more than two singular points.
  Speaker: Adam Parusinski 氏 (the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis)
  Title: Normal cycle of semi-algebraic sets
 : Abstract: We give an informal introduction to the normal cycle of a semi-algebraic set. The normal cycle is a geometric object, more precisely a Lagrangian variety, that reflects such geometric features as curvatures measures, vanishing topology and stratified Morse Theory. It provides a geometric interpretation of the Stiefel-Whitney characteristic classes of singular semi-algebraic sets. I have some notes on my web page
  講演者: 増田 亮 氏
  タイトル: Debreu の正則経済の理論について
  講演者: 佐藤 肇 氏
  タイトル: シンプレクティック織物,サムエルソン条件,接触化
  講演者: 梅原 雅顕 氏 (東京工業大学)
  タイトル: 波面に関するガウス・ボンネ型の定理の高次元化の試み
  講演者: 長谷川 大 氏 (埼玉大学)
  タイトル: Height functions on Whitney umbrella
  講演者: 直川 耕祐 氏 (東京工業大学)
  タイトル: 3次元ユークリッド空間における可展的なメビウスの帯について
  講演者: 本田 敦史 氏 (東京工業大学)
  タイトル: 3次元球面の外的平坦曲面と向き付けられた測地線の空間の幾何構造
2011年11月29日(火) -- 12月2日(金)
22 November 2011 -- 25 November 2011
第四回日豪実・複素特異点研究集会(The fourth Australian-Japanese Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities)
  講演者: 長谷川 大 氏 (埼玉大学)
  タイトル: Singularities of parallel surfaces of regular surfaces and fronts of Whitney umbrella and related topic
5 September 2011 -- 9 September 2011
幾何学とトポロジーにおける特異点 第6回 日仏特異点シンポジウム
The Nishijin Plaza Lecture Hall, Kyushu University
  講演者: 長谷川 大 氏 (埼玉大学)
  タイトル: Fronts of Whitney umbrella
  講演者: 塚田 孝治 氏 (日本大学)
  タイトル: Caustics and Wavefronts on an r-corner
15 September 2009 - 18 September 2009
Australian-Japanese Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities
University of Sydney, Australia
July 27 - August 01 2008
10th International Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities, ICMC - USP - Sao Carlos, Brazil
2008年2月18日(月)?・ 21日(木)
第3回代数・解析・幾何学セミナー ( 鹿児島大学理学部 1号館104講義室)
Complete transversal in ${}_iQ(f)^p$ and its applications
[アブストラクト] 可微分写像の特異点の分類、とりわけ重要な右左同値による分類においては、 complete transversal という概念は欠かせないものになっています。この概念は、次数一定の斉次多項式写像全体の空間において考察されれるのが通常ですが、考察する場所を少しばかり変え ${}_iQ(f)^p$ の中で考えることにしますと、右左同値軌道の接空間の構造がわかりやすくなります。講演ではその応用の部分からお話しし、後半で定義する ${}_iQ(f)^p$ は有用であることを感じていただければ、と思っています。
the second Australian-Japanese Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities, (RIMS, Kyoto University)
Real and Complex singularities (Proceedings of the first Australian-Japanese Workshop, World Scientific) is now available.
Nov. 19 (Mon)--24(Sat), 2007, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Geometry and Analysis on Complex Algebraic Varieties
幾何学とトポロジーにおける特異点 第4回 日仏特異点シンポジウム (立山国際ホテル)
May 21, 2007 (Monday) - May 22, 2007 (Tuesday)
Perspectives of Differential Analysis and Singularity Theory, Hokkaido University