Check data and think! 

Don't make stupid decisions! Don't behave stupidly!

Simplest way to find some statistics

Try Google by the words "Sweden coronavirus deaths", for example.

Excess deaths

Excess and Exiguous Deaths Dashboard in Japan
Graph of excess deaths in CDC (USA)
Provisional Mortality Statistics, Jan 2020 - May 2021 (Australian Bureau of Statistics)
Tracking covid-10 excess deaths across contries (The economist)

World Data

Trajectory analysis of new coronavirus COVID-19 cases and deaths by country (Sapporo Medical University)
COVID-19 Global tracker (Reuters)
Our World in Data (Commulative confirmed deaths per million people, It is important to consider whether the spread of vaccination will help resolve the infection. It would be helpful comparing the infection status and vacctination status for thought: Malaysia and Indonesia, Israel and Egypt, South Korea and Japan, Chile and Brazil.
All-cause and COVID19 Mortality (by Kenji Fujikawa)
Try other search engines (DuckDuckGo, for example) if you are looking for information that is hard to find by Google.
It is important to understand the background in order to understand opinions of experts correctly.
Tansa Money for Docs Database (One should try using Japanese)
ProPublica Dollars for Docs
Euros for Docs
Experts often speak with respect for their sponsors.

From Japanese Statistics

Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Situation Report in Japan (ToyoKeizai)

The number of total deaths from Demographic Statistics in Japan
yearBreaking report(announced 2 months later) Monthly report (announced 6 months later)

Until 2019, the total number of deaths increased by 20,000 every year, but it turns out that 2020 is a singular year with a decrease of 9,000 on a breaking report (8,500 on a monthly report) from 2019.

Since the beginning of 2020, the total number of deaths was slightly lower than usual, but in the latter half, it was slightly higher than usual. It has been on a clear increasing trend since 2022, and it can be said that the number of deaths in May is about 10,000 more than usual, and after that, the number of deaths every month is several thousand less than 10,000. A careful analysis of the current situation is required. People's immunity may have declined due to excessive infection control. Try to live a life that does not lower your immunity (NK activity).