1. ホーム
  2. スタッフ紹介
  3. リチャード・ニール・ベズ


リチャード・ニール・ベズ / Neal BEZ







Jonathan Bennett, Neal Bez, Stefan Buschenhenke, Michael Cowling, Taryn Flock, On the nonlinear Brascamp-Lieb inequality, Duke Mathematical Journal 169 (2020) 3291-3338.

Neal Bez, Younghun Hong, Sanghyuk Lee, Shohei Nakamura, Yoshihiro Sawano, On the Strichartz estimates for orthonormal systems of initial data with regularity, Advances in Mathematics 354 (2019), 106736.

Jonathan Bennett, Neal Bez, Generating monotone quantities for the heat equation, Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, 756 (2019), 37-63.

Jonathan Bennett, Neal Bez, Taryn Flock, Sanghyuk Lee, Stability of the Brascamp-Lieb constant and applications, American Journal of Mathematics 140 (2018), 543-569.

Neal Bez, Hiroki Saito, Mitsuru Sugimoto, Applications of the Funk-Hecke theorem to smoothing and trace estimates, Advances in Mathematics 285 (2015), 1767-1795.

Jonathan Bennett, Neal Bez, Susana Gutierrez, Sanghyuk Lee, On the Strichartz estimates for the kinetic transport equation, Communications in Partial Differential Equations 39 (2014), 1821-1826.

Neal Bez, Keith Rogers, A sharp Strichartz estimate for the wave equation for data in the energy space, Journal of the European Mathematical Society 15 (2013), 805-823.


Neal Bez, On the nonlinear Brascamp-Lieb inequality, 11th International Conference on Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations, El Escorial, Spain, 2021.

Neal Bez, Geometric estimates arising in the analysis of Zakharov systems, 日本数学会2018年度秋季総合分科会 特別講演 (函数方程式論分科会), 2018.

Neal Bez, On the kinetic transport equation, Harmonic analysis and its interactions: in honour of Tony Carbery, International Centre for Mathematical Sciences, UK, 2017.

Neal Bez, Some inequalities from geometric analysis and harmonic analysis via induction-on-scales, 日本数学会2015年度年会 特別講演 (実函数論分科会), 2015.

Neal Bez, Some applications of the Funk-Hecke theorem, ICM 2014 Satellite Conference in Harmonic Analysis, Chosun University, South Korea, 2014.

Neal Bez, Flow monotonicity and Strichartz inequalities, 第39回偏微分方程式論札幌シンポジウム・ICM 2014 Satellite Conference, 2014.



調和解析と関連する分野を勉強します。 例としては
●フーリエ解析の基礎 (フーリエ級数,フーリエ変換など) と応用 (偏微分方程式, 数論など)
●幾何学的測度論 (フラクタル次元,掛谷問題など)


●Fourier Analysis: An Introduction (Princeton Lectures in Analysis, Volume 1), Elias M. Stein, Rami Shakarchi, Princeton University Press
●Fourier Restriction, Decoupling, and Applications, Ciprian Demeter, Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics
●Modern Fourier Analysis (Second Edition), Loukas Grafakos, Springer Graduate Texts in Mathematics
