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  2. スタッフ紹介
  3. 岸本 崇


岸本 崇 / Takashi Kishimoto








Adrien Dubouloz, Takashi Kishimoto, Masaru Nagaoka, Completions of the affine 3-space into del Pezzo fibrations, Annali dell' Universita di Ferrara (to appear)

Adrien Dubouloz, Takashi Kishimoto, Pedro Montero, Del Pezzo quintics as equivariant compactifications of vector groups, Algebraic Geometry (to appear)

Ivan Cheltsov, Kento Fujita, Takashi Kishimoto, Takuzo Okada, K-stable divisors in P1 x P1 x P2 of degree (1,1,2), Nagoya Mathematical Journal, 251 (2023), 686-714.

Ivan Cheltsov, Adrien Dubouloz, Takashi Kishimoto, Toric G-solid Fano threefolds, Selecta Mathematica, 29. DOI: 10.1007/s00029-22-00816-9

Adrien Dubouloz, Takashi Kishimoto, Karol Palka, Completions of affine spaces into Mori Fiber Spaces with non-rational fibers, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 106 (2022), 1257-1290.

Adrien Dubouloz, Isac Heden, Takashi Kishimoto, Rees algebras of additive group actions, Mathematische Zeitschrift, 301 (2022), 593-626.

Adrien Dubouloz, Isac Heden, Takashi Kishimoto, Equivariant extensions of G_a-torsors over punctured surfaces, Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore de Pisa, Classe di Scienze, Vol.XXI (2020),133-167.DOI: 10.2422/2036-2145.201710_002

Adrien Dubouloz, Takashi Kishimoto, Cylindres dans les fibrations de Mori: Formes du volume quintique de del Pezzo, Annales de l’institut Fourier, 69 (2019),2377-2393.

Adrien Dubouloz, Takashi Kishimoto, Deformations of A^1-cylindrical varieties, Mathematische Annalen, 373 (2019),1135-1149.

Adrien Dubouloz, Takashi Kishimoto, Cylinders in del Pezzo fibrations, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 225 (2018),797-815.


Algebraic Varieties and Automorphism Groups, Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics, 75, Mathematical Society of Japan, 2016. Edited by: Kayo Masuda, Takashi Kishimoto, Hideo Kojima, Masayoshi Miyanishi, Mikhail Zaidenberg.


Takashi Kishimoto, Equivariant completions of vector groups into Fano varieties, Birational Geometry and K-stability of Fano Varieties, ICMS, The University of Edinburgh (Scotland), 25 November, 2022.

Takashi Kishimoto, Equivariant and non-equivariant completions of vector groups into Mori fiber spaces, Rationality, Moduli Spaces, and Related Topics, Nagoya University, 10 November, 2022.

Takashi Kishimoto, Equivariant completions of vector groups into Fano varieties, 2022年9月15日,日本数学会秋季代数分科会・特別講演 (於:北海道大学)

Takashi Kishimoto, Pencils and Completions of the affine space and the exotic ones into Mori Fiber Spaces, Motivic Geometry Conference, The Centre for Advanced Study at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters in Oslo (CAS), Oslo,Norway,8 September, 2020 (Online)

Takashi Kishimoto, Cylinders in Mori Fiber Spaces I, Edge Days 2019, The University of Edinburgh, 5 November, 2019.

Takashi Kishimoto, Forms of the quintic del Pezzo threefold V_5, Algebraic Geometry-Mariusz Koras in memoriam, Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, 1st June, 2018.



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